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The importance of a fraud solicitor in defending fraud allegations
11 Jul 2022

There are many different types of crime that fall under fraudulent activity, but at its core, fraud is the betrayal of trust for monetary gain at the loss of another. This can be carried out by one individual against another, or it can be done on a larger scale by a large group or organisation against another large group, organisation, community or even government.

A fraud accusation can be a highly distressing situation to find yourself in and one that can have a negative effect on all aspects of your life, including your family, social reputation and career. Fraud investigations can be lengthy and often take several months to resolve; this can have a huge impact on your mental well being, personal and professional relationships and finances too. If you have been called for an interview or questioned by the authorities for a fraud crime, then it is important that you speak to us at ABV solicitors immediately. Being interviewed by the authorities for a criminal allegation can be intense, and it is important that you have legal support from the onset at the police station to avoid implicating yourself any further.

Contact our fraud solicitor immediately

We at ABV solicitors are one of the leading teams of criminal defence solicitors in the country, recognised for our performance and expertise. It is important that you obtain expert advice and representation with our fraud solicitor as soon as possible because the early stages of your investigation will significantly influence whether or not your case results in a charge. If charged, the case will go to court proceedings and could result in a conviction. Fraud cases are dealt with severely in court, and depending on the impact it has on the victim and the scale of the fraudulent activity, you may be given a prison sentence.

The role of our fraud solicitor

We will delegate a highly trained and experienced fraud solicitor for your case who will explain the nature of the allegation, the possible sentencing and your rights and make sure that each step of the process is carried out correctly and to your benefit. Our fraud solicitor will take care of all the paperwork on your behalf. Fraud cases include thousands of pages of evidence and documentation, so we will make sure that everything is collected, completed and submitted correctly and promptly to prevent any unnecessary delays in your case.

We will work together with you to help achieve the best possible outcome. Our fraud solicitor has dealt with a wide spectrum of fraud investigations. We will help you from the very first approach made by the law enforcement agency all the way through to representing you in court. We can help clients on a national and international level, and we can represent you as an individual, company or organisation. Here at ABV solicitors, we assist our clients 24/7, and we can instruct leading barristers and QCs to ensure that we can provide the best possible defence for your case.

The importance of legal assistance from a fraud solicitor

How to deal with a fraud allegation with the help of a fraud solicitor