If you are under suspicion of a criminal offence or have a case made against you, not just any law practitioner will do – you will want only the best legal minds with hands-on practical experience and a proven track record in representing clients facing criminal allegations. You will want a criminal solicitor from the expert team of experienced solicitors at ABV Solicitors.
Why is our legal expertise so highly sought after? We believe it is due to the approach with which we defend our clients that allows us a great measure of success – a proactive forceful approach, whether it is in interviewing witnesses or gathering evidence, we are well-versed in putting up the best possible strong defence.
There are numerous ways it pays to be represented by a knowledgeable and experienced criminal solicitor. The first and foremost is that a criminal solicitor works towards protecting your fundamental rights and interests. Many times an individual may be called in by law enforcement agencies for a voluntary interview or ‘chat’. While this may seem innocuous at first, it is important to note that such ‘chats’ are recorded and can be used in court. We advise against speaking voluntarily to the police without the support of legal representation. In addition to this, here are other ways to benefit from hiring a crime solicitor.
Reasons why you should hire a crime solicitor
Receive details about the allegation
A tactic used most often by the police is to withhold sometimes critically important information about the allegation laid against an individual before the interview stage. Having a solicitor present, the police are obligated to disclose all relevant details at the very start, which is crucial in developing a strategic defence.
Receive an ethical investigation process
It is an unfortunate occurrence that the police do not always conduct their investigations ethically or in an appropriate manner – they may ask certain questions that are not appropriate or tell you that you have no need of a solicitor. Having representation by a solicitor will ensure the police do not infringe on your rights and that there aren’t any procedural irregularities.
Receive the best possible outcome for your case
Being under suspicion of a criminal offence or having a charge laid against you, can have far reaching consequences including serving time in prison if found guilty. Your chances of having the allegation dropped, or the outcome of a charge minimised is greater if you have legal help right from the start – the earlier you hire a crime solicitor, the better your chances.
In highly stressful situations such as facing a police enquiry into a criminal offence allegation, you may not always be thinking with a clear head. This is why having a professional crime solicitor to advise and guide you through an anxiety-ridden situation is the best option going forward.
Let the specialist team of criminal solicitors at ABV Solicitors help you put forward a robust defence against a criminal offence allegation or case and ensure your rights are fully protected. We have extensive experience in the practices of criminal law, including expert advice and representation and are happy to represent clients in a wide range of criminal offence cases, from murder and manslaughter to serious drugs offences and cash seizure.