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Helping you when you need it most with a quality criminal solicitor
08 May 2020

Providing help and guidance

Here at ABV Solicitors, our number one priority is ensuring everyone who needs it receives a standard of legal care and excellence which is second to none. Our criminal solicitor team have dealt with a great many cases over the years, of all shapes and sizes. Nothing is too big a case, or too small for that matter, for criminal solicitors to handle with care and professionalism. We empathise with those who are involved in defending themselves against criminal proceedings, and understand the immense pressures that they are most likely under at such a time. As such, we provide not just a professional legal service, but also counsel and support for our clients who need it. Anyone who is currently involved in a criminal case of any description, and needs professional guidance and support – need only call upon our criminal solicitors at ABV Solicitors.

When to call upon us

If you have been accused of a criminal offence, then it is imperative that you contact your criminal solicitor here at ABV Solicitors immediately. In doing so your solicitor can assure you that your case will be treated fairly and within the parameters of the law, and inform you of what you can expect. If a client is asked to be present at a police interview concerning a criminal case which they are involved in, then it is the client’s legal right to have their solicitor present with them at all times. When present at a police station, your solicitor will speak with the police and request to see what evidence they have against you, and whether or not it is enough to legally be pursuing a charge against you. Solicitors are independent from the police, and are there entirely to ensure and maintain the legal rights of their clients. Our solicitors will be able to answer any legal questions you may have, and provide much needed counsel and support at what is likely to be a stressful time.

Representation in court

If one of our clients is involved within criminal proceedings which requires them to be present in a courtroom, then our expert team of barristers and solicitors will be on hand throughout to guide them through the process. It is the duty of our criminal law specialists here at ABV Solicitors to collate all the appropriate evidence that is needed for the client’s court case. This can include CCTV footage, as well as conducting extensive interviews with all of the involved parties. Another one of our principal duties when defending a client in court is to arrange for experts within specific fields to give their opinion on evidence and other relevant matters before a judge. These expert opinions aim to challenge the evidence which has been presented by the prosecution team, and support the case in a client’s favour. Arranging to have the best possible legal team represent you in court is one of our main areas of expertise here at ABV Solicitors, and something which has helped us gain the reputation that we enjoy. Any legal matter which reaches the courtroom can be the cause of a high level of pressure and strain for all those who are involved – especially if it is a criminal proceeding. With ABV Solicitors however, we aim to share the load that is being carried by our clients, and guide them through all the necessary legal proceedings.

Unsure what to look for in a criminal solicitor? A brief guide from ABV Solicitors

Understand the importance of a reputable criminal solicitor