It is not only the rich and famous who are falsely accused of a sexual misdemeanour. Money is often a motivating factor but sometimes pure vindictiveness can be the motivation. Whatever the reason, this type of accusation can cause you untold misery from losing your partner and children to losing your job. If you find yourself in a situation where you are being falsely accused of any form of sexual wrongdoing you should contact our sexual offence solicitor to avoid escalating the situation. Our experience in these cases will be invaluable to limiting the possible damage and achieving a positive outcome.
Don’t be drawn in
It is natural for your friends and family to want to know what is going on but sometimes comments can be misconstrued. Good intentions can sometimes work against you and you could find yourself in more difficulty because of confiding in those close to you. Everyone will have an opinion and will provide advice but they have no knowledge of the law. A phone call to ABV Solicitors will get you the best advice from an experienced sexual offence solicitor.
Social media has seen its fair share of high profile people become embroiled in arguments, claims and counterclaims and their messages being used in court. As a client of ABV Solicitors any communication relating to your situation should be with your sexual offence solicitor. It is in your best interests to stay off any social media platform, completely, until we advise you that it is safe to re-engage. The less that you say to anyone about your case the better, and by only communicating through us we can stay up to date and protect you
More than one team member
We have a well respected reputation, earned over many years and successes, as being one of the leading legal practices in the UK. Our standing has afforded us the ability to be able to call upon and instruct some of the most well respected barristers, KC’s and experts in the field of forensics and medicine. This allows us to prepare and deliver your defence in the most robust and comprehensive way possible.
Emotional rollercoaster
The more your case develops the greater the chances that you will experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Our team has many years of dealing with the legalities of sexual offence accusations and also the psychological effects on all parties. The more serious the allegations the deeper the emotional damage. Those close to you will also become emotionally involved which further compounds the matter. This is another reason why heeding our advice and being honest and candid is vital to allow us to protect you. We will make every effort to bring your case to a positive conclusion quickly.
In safe hands
Legal matters can be complicated and drawn out and interpretation can seem at odds with logical thinking. Understanding the law and how it works is best left to the professionals. If you follow our advice and only discuss your case with members of our team, your ordeal will soon be resolved.