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Sexual exploitation – what is it under UK law? A guide from our sexual offence solicitor at ABV
14 Jul 2021

Being accused of a crime you didn’t commit is highly stressful, especially when it is as stigmatising as sexual exploitation or sexual assault.

In the UK, this is a fairly common accusation; but if you have been identified as the person who committed this act, it is very serious and can result in panic. After all, how will such an accusation affect your job, your family or your reputation?

When you contact our sexual offence solicitor at ABV, we will work hard to defend your name. Working with the police, other solicitors and legal agencies, we will conduct our own investigations into the accusations, with the end goal of having the charges against you dropped or the sentencing reduced. Now that’s good to know and it’s what we do!

So, what constitutes sexual exploitation and abuse in the UK and what do you need to know if you have been accused of it? Our sexual offence solicitor at ABV provides the following guide.

What is sexual exploitation?

In the UK, sexual exploitation and abuse are often classed together and have the acronym SEA. For the remainder of this article, this is how we will refer to them.

So, what is SEA in the UK? The exploitation aspect refers to any actual or attempted abuse of someone who is vulnerable, which is usually sexually driven.

On the abuse side, there is the threat that such incidents will happen, whether by force or by coercion. Under UK law, SEA also includes these intentions aimed at someone under the age of consent.

So, if you have been accused of engaging in SEA, you will need to contact our sexual offence solicitor immediately.

What should I do if I’ve been accused of it?

Firstly, don’t panic and under no circumstances should you try to contact the person who has accused you; should your case go to court, this could be seen as attempting to blackmail them, even if this is not your intention.

In the first instance, you should contact our team at ABV Solicitors for advice on how to proceed and we will hear out your side of the story without judgment. We will also work with the police on your behalf, to aim to have any sentences reduced based on evidence.

Will I go to jail?

This is unclear and will depend on the strength of the accuser’s case.

However, we will work very hard to reduce any jail time if you are sentenced and, if there is minimal evidence, we will endeavour to have the charges dropped.

Be aware that in the UK the sentencing is tough; for SEA, the maximum statutory prison time is 10 years of detainment.

Is a fine associated with sexual exploitation in the UK?

There is a fine linked to SEA in the UK; the amount is up to £5000.

Once again, if you hire our team at ABV Solicitors to represent you, we will work to have the amount reduced if you are given a fine.

Been accused of historic sexual assault? How our sexual offence solicitor can help

What is rape under UK law? A simplified guide from our sexual offence solicitor at ABV