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FAQS about sexual offence crimes
19 Feb 2020

If you have been reported for any sexual misconduct, you must contact a sexual offence solicitor because you will need legal representation, whether the allegations are true or not.

During this unsettling and distressing time, you may have questions about what you are being charged with exactly and the type of punishment you could face, not to mention finding out what your legal rights are when facing criminal charges.

Our law firm, ABV Solicitors, have undertaken countless cases successfully, and are ready to help you.

I am being accused of a sexual offence, what should I do?

When learning the news, your first call should be to a specialist for professional advice. It would be best if you did this before you have been officially charged and questioned by police.

Avoid calling your accuser, even if you believe the allegations to be false, because this could implicate you further.

Make sure to preserve any information or pictures that you have shared with this person over text or email, and share this with your sexual offence solicitor. Never conduct your own investigations. Instead, hand over any useful information to the aforementioned sex offence solicitor.

I have been arrested or called down to the station, what now?

Usually, people accused of these types of crimes are arrested without notice. If this is the case, practice your right to remain silent and to acquire a lawyer.

You should never agree to an interview without being granted legal advice, nor speak without your lawyer present.

I am innocent, won’t demanding a lawyer make me seem guilty

A common misconception is that to ask for a sexual offence solicitor before speaking to a law enforcement officer means that you have got something to hide. This is not strictly true.

The truth of the matter is that due to the sensitive nature of the case, you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage if you do not have a lawyer.

Disclosure is something you are entitled to before your police interview. It refers to your right to know the allegations made against you so that you can prepare accordingly. If you do not know much about the law and have no sexual offence solicitor to speak of, you run the risk of going into the interview, not knowing why you’re there and being completely unprepared.

How long does the process take?

The time frame varies according to the nature of the crime, but sexual offences tend to take longer than non-sexual crimes.

If there have been prior allegations made against you, the proceedings could take months, following which are the charges that occur in a court.

The duration of the process is also dependent on which court your case is settled, either the magistrate or crown’s court. If your case goes to trial, you will be expected to appear at crown’s court in front of a judge and jury.
Usually, a trial takes approximately a year to reach completion.

Is my identity protected during this time?

Before charges are made, you have the right to anonymity. Due to the nature of the crime and the stigma attached, we vow to protect your privacy.

Are you facing sexual offence charges?

What to expect if you have been accused of a crime of a sexual nature