ABV Solicitors have a specialist team of expert lawyers with considerable experience of defending those who face allegations under various Anti-Terrorism Laws and have acted in a number of High Profile cases.
Investigations led by the Counter Terrorism Command and Secret Services can cause considerable distress and anxiety to suspects and their families often resulting in widespread media attention which poses particularly unique challenges requiring expert legal advice.
The Police and the Secret Services have been granted wide ranging powers to investigate allegations of terrorism set out in complex legislation. ABV Solicitors have the expertise to protect individuals from an abuse of that power and to assert their basic and fundamental human rights.
The consequences both for the individual and the families of those accused of these offences can be life changing and may involve intervention from other agencies such as Social Services. Having the right team of experts advising from the outset will ensure that you get specialist advice at every step of the process.
The team at ABV Solicitors represent clients facing a broad spectrum of allegations and investigations including;
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day to provide expert legal advice in emergency situations. If you or somebody you know requires advice in respect of any aspect of the above, contact ABV Solicitors on 0344 587 9996 or alternatively email us at info@abvsolicitors.co.uk