Everybody has heard of the infamous Ponzi Scheme; a type of investment fraud that paid existing investors with the funds collected from new investors, while proclaiming to all of the investors involved that there was no risk with this investment and that their money was safe.
But as any registered stockbroker or financial advisor will tell you, there is no such thing as a risk-free investment, and in 2022, more vulnerable people than ever before were targeted for this type of investment scheme.
As more people look after their older relatives (who are more tech-savvy than ever before!), both young carers and this frequently targeted group need to be aware of the signs of an investment scam when they see one.
Our team at ABV Solicitors are advocates of educating the public about the dangers of investment fraud, and should you find yourself on the receiving end of such a scheme, our fraud solicitor will be on hand to help you regain the assets lost.
So, with that in mind, what are some of the signs to keep an eye out for relating to investment schemes? Our fraud solicitor provides the following list.
If you’ve seen the famous Hollywood blockbuster about a man on Wall Street in the 1980s known colloquially as a wolf, you will be aware of the technique that his company used to attract investors: calling people at home and introducing them to a ‘risk-free’ investment.
This is a process known as cold calling, and according to our fraud solicitor, unless you have hired a financial advisor, no one should be calling you with investment opportunities.
Emails with phishing emails
Phishing emails are beyond common now, and almost every inbox out there can detect and filter them into the spam folder.
But, much like cold calling, it can be very easy to become lured into the idea of low-risk investment, especially if you are low on funds. If you have fallen victim to such a scam, contact our team at ABV Solicitors for advice.
One-sided communication
With any legitimate company, communication should go both ways. If you cannot call back an investment company that has contacted you, this is a red flag.
Or, more interestingly, if someone whom you are speaking to about an investment opportunity advises against calling them back or refuses to provide contact information or the opening hours of their office, this needs to be investigated by the police.
High-pressure sales tactics
When you have a financial advisor working on your behalf, you will ultimately make the final call on whether or not you wish to invest; there will be no pressure from their end.
But if you feel you are being pressured by the silver-tongued person on the phone to make an investment quickly, hang up and alert the police or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
These are just some of the ways to spot an investment scam, and unfortunately, those who implement these types of operations are becoming smarter. If you feel you have been targeted and need legal advice, call our team at ABV Solicitors today.