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Types of modern slavery explained by our criminal solicitor
23 Dec 2022

Do you own or run a large company that has workers overseas? Or is your business enterprise associated with a company who does?

There is nothing wrong with this. However, many people are shocked when they and their business partners find themselves on the receiving end of slavery accusations. Not all types of modern slavery equate to human trafficking, so it is important to identify the different types of slavery, so you can keep such allegations and practices out of your workplace.

At ABV Solicitors, our criminal solicitor will aim to defend you or your company against any modern slavery accusations should your case go before a court. We will aim to have any sentencing minimised where we can. We will offer judgement-free advice relating to your case and will ensure that your legal rights are represented in the courtroom.

But what are the different kinds of modern slavery that exist under UK law today? Our criminal solicitor provides an introductory guide below.

Forced labour

According to our criminal solicitor, this type of slavery is commonly found in industries that have little to no regulation. Thus, it is heavily associated with sweatshops.

The work is not limited to making clothing, but is linked to threats of violence if the workers do not offer their services for free or with little to no pay.

Thus, if you operate a business that has products created overseas, you need to be on the lookout for this.

Bonded or debt labour

This is when a person or a family has to work for free to repay a debt.

However, the employer often adds additional charges to make it impossible for the debt to be repaid, thus prolonging the work that the person or people have to do.

This particular kind of slavery targets migrant workers.

Domestic labour

This is related to workers who are not allowed to leave as and when they want to and usually are located in a home. This is the easiest kind of forced labour to hide, as authorities are not allowed to inspect people’s homes routinely.

Another reason it can be tough to spot is that these workers can look like regular live-in staff, such as nannies or other domestic workers. Again, this tends to target migrant workers.

Sex trafficking

Most people are familiar with sex trafficking, which is primarily aimed at young children and women. These are groups which are moved around and forced to engage in sexual acts against their will. Impoverished groups are at the highest risk of falling prey to this kind of practice, especially if they are travelling overseas to find work.

Forced marriage

This is an issue that can be linked to certain cultures around the world, but involves a forced marriage that a person cannot refuse or one that is set up by relatives.

It can also occur when a wife is sold to another family to repay a loan.

Child labour

More than a quarter of modern slaves are children, and any work that is forced on children is child labour. This is a problem that many overseas nations have, so beware of any work practices occurring overseas that are linked to your company.

If you suspect that there may be issues occurring with overseas labour or suspect that you have been implicated in any of the other types of slavery here, please call our team for advice.

A guide to modern slavery offences from our criminal solicitor

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