Being questioned or charged with a criminal offence can be a traumatic experience for both you and your loved ones. If you have been charged with a more serious crime such as murder, terrorism, or modern slavery offences the stakes will be even higher, as the consequences of a conviction will likely be a custodial sentence. As such, you need to ensure that you have representation from the earliest possible stage with a criminal solicitor, to limit the chances of charges being brought against you or you being convicted of the crime in court. Here at ABV Solicitors, we have the experience of dealing with all areas of criminal law and we seek to support you efficiently and proactively to get the best outcome for your case. With our expertise, we hope to limit the impact of any accusations being directed at you.
How we can help
It is advisable to get legal representation from the earliest stages of an investigation, which includes being questioned at the police station. By getting legal representation from a criminal solicitor in such situations, it may be possible for us to get any charges dropped or prevent charges being made at the police station. While this may not always be possible, we will ensure that legal processes are followed correctly by the police and if charges are brought against you, we can then take proactive steps to start building your defence and you won’t have to do anything, except let us take the weight off your shoulders. With our criminal solicitor we will work on getting you the best defence possible for your case. We have access to forensic and medical experts, for example, and we can also access other evidence such as CCTV footage to support your version of what has happened. If your case goes to the Crown Court, which serious charges such as murder, terrorism and modern slavery offences often do, we also have access to leading QCs and barristers who we will work with to support in defending you there.
Whenever you need us
If you have been called into the police station for questioning, this can happen at any time and we provide a dedicated support line that is open 24/7. By calling us, we will have one of our team present with you to represent you at the police station. If charges have already been brought against you, we are available to discuss this on the telephone and advise you upon how we can help you with this. We can explain where you currently stand and what has happened so far in the legal process and we can advise about what the next steps are likely to be. Once you instruct us, we can then continue to take decisive action to ensure that your defence is strong and robust against the charges that have been made. We can meet with you at a time and place that is convenient for you and our support will be tailored to your specific circumstances. We want the optimal outcome for you and we strive to achieve the best for all of our clients, no matter what the area of criminal law involved.