With the popularity of TV shows based on police and criminal activity, many people assume that if they are arrested, they will know exactly what to do and what to say. Unfortunately, if you do find yourself arrested for a criminal act, it is unlikely that the process will be the same as it appears on TV!
Granted, under UK law, police and other figures of authority do have a check-list to run through with every new case that they are presented with but you may find that your experience during police interviews or in custody will be different from someone else’s.
And so, navigating your way through a criminal allegation alone is going to be exceedingly tricky; to ensure your case is handled correctly, you will undoubtedly need legal help.
When you hire a criminal solicitor from ABV Solicitors, we can help you through police interviews, offer you legal advice based on your case and, if necessary, we will begin building your defence. We pride ourselves on transparency with our clients, and will always keep you updated on developments in your case.
But what are the truths behind the myths that surround the criminal justice system and being arrested in the UK? Here are some of the myths that our criminal solicitor have to confront every day. Enjoy!
If I hire a legal representative, that means I’m guilty
We understand the logic behind this myth- if you didn’t do it, why do you need to hire a representative?
However, hiring a criminal solicitor as early as possible will help to build your case and is never considered a sign of guilt in a legal setting. Indeed, it is seen as proactive and, with the help of one of our solicitors, you may be able to walk away without any formal charges held against you.
I have to answer police questions
It is advised to never answer police questions without a legal representative present.
Our team at ABV Solicitors will help you to phrase the answers that you give police correctly and will advise you on when to not answer questions. The police are fully aware of this legal right and cannot press you to answer questions.
If there were no witnesses, I’m innocent
Technically, if there were no witnesses that does not prove innocence.
Many criminal activities, such as sexual assault do not take place in the open and so this myth may get you into a lot of trouble.
Our team will advise you on whether or not the lack of witnesses for the alleged crime may or may not work in your favour, depending on the nature of the act that you are accused of. Simply put, it is not straightforward.
I have a clean record, so any sentence will be minimal
Depending on the nature of the alleged crime, this may or may not be true.
Consider that many offenders of criminal acts do not have a previous police record, so this may not be beneficial.