Should you find yourself in the distressing and confusing situation of being accused of a sexual offence, you need to contact a sexual offence solicitor quickly to defend your rights and to protect your interests.
These situations can get out of hand extremely quickly and should you be wrongfully accused of any crime of this nature, you may find a lasting impact on your reputation both personally and professionally to be extremely and irreparably damaged.
By having a sexual offence solicitor at your side from the moment that you need them, you will be advised on the right method of reaction which ensures the best possible outcome for you. It can be very daunting when taken into the police station for questioning and even those innocent can find themselves in a confused state when interrogated.
All comments that you provide can and, as you know, will be used against you so you need to be extremely cautious as to how to respond. Here is where we can help, first and foremost, before moving through the rest of the proceedings, if they get that far, to assist you in every aspect of your case.
Early support may swing the decision in your favour
By having your sexual offence solicitor supporting and guiding you and having our team of experts working diligently from the moment that you have been charged, there is every chance that we are able to influence the proceedings.
The early stages of any investigation usually have the biggest influence on how everything is going to pan out, so by having facts in your support readily available, we may even be able to eliminate the need for the prosecution to continue. A great relief for those individuals who are completely innocent in a situation that has been blown out of control.
What services can we offer if you have been accused of a crime?
Our experienced professionals have the experience and knowledge in crimes that are of a sexual nature. This includes rape, sexual assault or exploitation and grooming of both underage and individuals of consenting age.
We also have significant and successful experience with clients who have been accused of possessing indecent images or abuse of a child.
Furthermore, if you are faced with historical allegations, we have the facts and up to date laws to defend your rights and your dignity. Let us support you and your family and friends during this difficult time, sorting fact from fiction and determining the right course of action that will leave you in the best possible situation.
We recognise that being accused of a crime is a very stressful and daunting experience. It can, unfortunately, change people, but we make sure that your rights and reputation are defended in the hopes that once all is finished, you are able to return to your life with peace of mind knowing that everything was done to provide you with the best possible outcome.
Speak with us if you are concerned about any potential or ongoing allegations so that we are ready to assist when you need us.