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“This is one of the UK’s top fraud and regulatory specialist law firms”

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“They are an exceptionally talented firm of specialist practitioners, formidable in their own right”

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“ABV have established themselves as a top legal services provider in the white collar crime and serious fraud”

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It is important to contact a fraud solicitor as soon as possible
02 Apr 2021

If you are unsure where you stand legally in terms of what is deemed fraudulent and what isn’t as a business owner, representative or simply as an individual, then perhaps speaking to a fraud solicitor will give you the peace of mind that you need.

We have worked with individuals who have been completely blindsided with an investigation or raid which, unfortunately, is no excuse when it comes to prosecution regarding fraudulent activity. It can be a devastating blow on a person’s life as well as their relationships with friends and family.

Both the individual accused and their associates’ reputation can be irreparably damaged should a charge come upon them without warning and they do not act swiftly in the most appropriate way.

This is where an experienced fraud solicitor is able to give the best possible advice and set in motion accurate reactions that bode best for you, in a time where you need the most support possible.

It is vital that you speak to us as soon as possible as this is one of the most effective tools that we together can use to influence the outcome of your case. A lot of what happens during the early stages of a case will have a significant impact on the eventual result, so if you have professional and experienced representation and advice, you will be enabling yourself with the best defence possible.

No job is too big or too small

We work with a varied range of cases that allow us to constantly grow in experience and confidence. Over the years, we have fought and won for our clients in many cases and ensured the best possible outcome is achieved. Our reputation is strong and we have connections that allow for swift action and the right information to be obtained when we need it. These factors are imperative in making sure that you are doing what is right for your personal situation.

A fraud solicitor from our team is able to support you with advice at the police station right through the investigation and any subsequent hearings that you might be faced with until a final decision has been made. Know that we are at your side every step of the way during such times and that you can freely contact us for peace of mind, for answers to your many questions and to let us know further details should you think of them, whenever the opportunity arises.

There is no case too big, we deal with international fraud, money laundering and tax investigations with confidence. We also work with individuals who have stumbled into immigration fraud, are looking for restraint orders or simple information following a notice or understanding that an investigation may be underway.

As mentioned previously, swift action is the best kind of action you can do for yourself in any of these situations so by speaking with a member of our team as soon as possible, we are able to ensure that you can breathe more easily.

Stock fraud and what to look out for!!

What can a fraud solicitor help you with?