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Signs of modern slavery from ABV’s criminal solicitor
07 Oct 2022

Most people assume it is something you can see from space – when a person or group is running a modern slavery ring. Sadly, this is not the case at all; 3,300 cases per year of modern slavery are reported in England and Wales.

It can be something of a shock to well-meaning people the world over that they have inadvertently been paying into different kinds of modern slavery. And, of course, if you run a business, being indicated in charges of slavery can have serious repercussions for your business and yourself.

If you have been indicated in charges relating to modern slavery, please call our criminal solicitor at ABV Solicitors. We are experienced in defending cases relating to all manner of slavery, from human trafficking to domestic servitude, and will work tirelessly to fight your corner.

But what are some of the signs that you can look out for when it comes to slavery-like human trafficking? Our criminal solicitor offers the following guide.

Workplace layout

Let’s be honest, most warehouses don’t have the nicest looks when you enter them, and neither do factories where clothes are made.

However, if you are set to do a business deal with a group and notice that their work set-up looks like it also has beds, toilets and people living in the work environment, this can be a sign of modern slavery, according to our criminal solicitor. So, if you spot this, you need to report it as soon as possible to the authorities, even if it is in another country.

Poor appearance

This can be another giveaway but can also be seen on a Monday morning in Central London – the workers looking tired and ill.

In many ways, this is easier to spot in places like London, but if you are travelling to visit a company overseas and notice that all of the workers look ill, malnourished, dirty and nervous, then this can once again be a sign of modern slavery. This too needs to be reported, especially if many of the workers show signs of long-term illness or injury, as they may have been abused into silence.

Signs of substance misuse

It is a harrowing reality to face as humans, but in many instances of modern slavery, illegal drugs are used to ensure compliance. In most cases, these are heavy drugs like heroin and cocaine.

If you visit a workplace and notice needles, spoons, lighters or other drug-related paraphernalia, you need to call the police. Remember, not reporting any of the issues mentioned in this article can have repercussions for you if you are engaged in business with the people who are in charge of these operations; your silence could be legally misinterpreted as compliance. If you have concerns about modern slavery, please call the police and our team ASAP for advice on what to do next.

Underage workers

Once again, this is hard to imagine in the UK, but many incidents of modern slavery involve children. And while you may think this would be easy to spot, in most cases, they are hidden behind locked doors. So, if your soon-to-be business partner does not want you going into a certain room or does not explain why there are children on their premises, these are red flags and need to be followed up.

ACQUITTAL Old Bailey: Murder

FAQs about human trafficking law answered by our criminal solicitor