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ABV Solicitors: A criminal solicitor you need
29 Oct 2021

If you have been charged with a crime involving terrorism, then it will be a highly upsetting and emotional time for you. Even being questioned before a charge has been made can be distressing and can have a major impact upon your life. Terrorism has become a high-profile crime in the media and, because of this, you may quickly find yourself embroiled in a big, unwanted spotlight. With difficult challenges ahead of you, you need a criminal solicitor who can handle your case effectively, professionally and diligently. At ABV Solicitors, we are a highly experienced firm that has been involved in many high-profile cases. Our knowledge and expertise allows us to provide the protection that you need during investigations, as well as in Court. We recognise that allegations of this nature can lead to the need for external agencies to become involved in your life and the repercussions of such allegations can be life-changing. It is our job to ensure that you get the best defence possible for your circumstances, in order to limit the impact of having allegations made against you.

How we can help

It is best if you can contact us for support from the earliest stage possible. This is because the sooner we are involved in your case, the better the outcome is likely to be for you. If you are taken in for questioning in the middle of the night, for example, don’t worry! Call us for support and a criminal solicitor will be able to come to you no matter what the time or where you are in the UK.

When cases are being investigated by the Counter Terrorism Command and Secret Services, they could be looking into a range of terrorism crimes. Whether it’s connected to s.3(1)(b) Explosives Substances Act 1883: Possession of an explosive substance with intent to endanger life or cause serious injury or damage to property; examination under Schedule 7 Terrorism Act 2000 : Questioning at a Port, Airport or International Railway Station, or s.38b (1) and (2) of the Terrorism Act 2000: Failing to notify Police where a person believes that someone they know is preparing for an act of terrorism, or something else, we are here to help you. We have a team of solicitors ready to support you through the various stages of defence and we will take proactive steps to ensure that if you are charged with an offence, we will present your case in the best light possible.

Why we are experts

Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners have cited us as Leaders in the field, so you can feel confident that we know what we’re doing. However, if you need to know a little bit more about what we do, you can call us in confidence to discuss your case and how we may be able to help. We will explain your current situation from a legal standpoint, and we will explain what steps need to be taken next. You can ask us questions about anything you need to and you should start to feel reassured that by choosing us to represent you, you can let us take the pressure off you and start taking proactive steps on your behalf to put your defence forward; and with our experience and expertise, you can feel confident that you’re being taken care of.

Charged with a crime? ABV Solicitors have a criminal solicitor ready for you

The importance of legal representation in criminal offences including murder and manslaughter